HS Teachers Trained at the University of Iowa

HS Teachers Trained to Implement Engineering Curriculum at University of Iowa

JULY 17, 2019

High school students in Iowa and across the country this school year will build pinhole cameras and design earthquake-resistant buildings as part of an innovative curriculum that engages students in hands-on engineering experiences and builds creative problem-solving skills.

But first, their teachers had to tackle the same projects during two weeks of training at the Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences on the University of Iowa campus.

The UI has partnered with Engineer Your World at the University of Texas at Austin to provide two-week professional development institutes in which educators engage in engineering practices, experience the curriculum they will teach, and discover the most effective strategies for project-based instruction.

Engineer Your World was developed in 2008 by University of Texas faculty, NASA engineers, and secondary teachers working with funding from the National Science Foundation.

David Rethwisch, professor of chemical and biochemical engineering and faculty director of Iowa Engineer Your World, says one of the things that makes the program so attractive is that it exposes students to the ways engineers improve people’s lives. …Continue Reading


Engineering Course Supports Lifelong Learning

Engineering Course Supports Lifelong Learning

FEBRUARY 26, 2019

One of IWA’s newest course offerings is a general engineering course developed by the University
of Texas at Austin as part of its “Engineer Your World” program. Students in this course use math and science to solve problems, but teacher Dr. Johnson (a former engineer herself) sees that it opens the door to a much broader world. “Yes, students are required to have course experience in biology, chemistry, and math, but the underpinning approach is broadly applicable to the student’s journey of lifelong learning. Students have to work collaboratively in teams and value diverse perspectives. They have to demonstrate proficiency in the entire engineering design process including understanding user needs, interpreting project requirements, and designing, testing, building and – most importantly – re-designing prototypes. You need more than math and science to be able to solve problems successfully.” …Continue Reading


EYW Partners with University of Iowa

Engineer Your World takes aim at STEM involvement

JANUARY 31, 2019

Alexandra Skores, News Reporter, The Daily Iowan

The University of Iowa College of Engineering recently announced a partnership with Engineer Your World, a program designed to help high-school students interpret the engineering world and become more actively involved in the field.

“Our innovative, student-centered curriculum engages learners in collaborative, student-directed projects that build creative problem-solving and engineering design skills, teach the value of collaborating to solve complex, modern problems, and create a strong foundation for future STEM learning,” the Engineer Your World website says. …Continue Reading


‘Engineer Your World’ Garners Nationwide Honors

UT’s ‘Engineer Your World’ High School Curriculum Continues to Garner Nationwide Honors

FEBRUARY 01, 2019

Engineer Your World, a high school engineering curriculum and teacher support program operated by UT Austin and developed by experts in the Cockrell School of Engineering, has been named an “Accomplished Program” by STEMworks and selected by the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council as one of 10 “Scale-Up Programs” to be offered in Iowa-area high schools beginning this fall — two national distinctions that illustrate the program’s extraordinary growth since its launch in 2008.

Developed and introduced with the help of a $12.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation, Engineer Your World is an innovative curriculum designed by faculty in the Cockrell School and UT’s College of Education in collaboration with industry professionals, NASA engineers and secondary education specialists. It provides teacher training, support programs and comprehensive instructional materials focused on engaging high school students in hands-on engineering experiences. …Continue Reading

UI Selected for Engineer Your World Program

UI College of Engineering Selected for Engineer Your World Program

The University of Iowa College of Engineering is partnering with Engineer Your World (EYW) at the University of Texas at Austin to provide hands-on engineering experiences to high school students across Iowa.

Engineer Your World has been recognized as one of 10 high-quality STEM programs that will take part in the Iowa Governor’s STEM Scale-Up Program, which is focused on increasing student interest and achievement in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). High schools across the state of Iowa can apply for the STEM Scale-Up Award to cover most startup costs for this innovative high school engineering program. …Continue Reading

Students Create Solutions in First Design-A-Thon

High School Students Create Real-World Solutions in Engineer Your World’s First Design-A-Thon

MAY 15, 2018

On a Saturday in April, more than 50 high school students in the Houston area came together in small, multi-school teams to apply the engineering tools and techniques they learned in their Engineer Your World courses, developed by Texas Engineering faculty. The challenge for the one-day Solve it by Sunset Design-A-Thon was to create a product that prevents or mitigates flood damage to residential houses in Houston.

Over the course of the day, each team developed a technical report, a business plan and scale-models of their solutions. The event highlighted entrepreneurship, design thinking and societal impact, in addition to team building and leadership development. Two students were recognized with “Master Team Builder” awards — Katriel Cole from Logos Preparatory Academy and Luvai Khambaty from Cypress Lakes High School. …Continue Reading

Students Embrace Learning with EYW Curriculum

Students Embrace Learning Through Engineer Your World Curriculum

NOVEMBER 6, 2017

CFISD high school students in engineering and problem solving classes wrapped up their first design challenge of the year, doing so through the University of Texas’ UTeach Engineering curriculum program, Engineer Your World.

Engineer Your World is made possible though a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. The innovative, yearlong high school course is for students who want to learn about engineering and its role in shaping the world. The 2017-2018 school year marks the fifth year for the course to be offered. …Continue Reading

Ramona Convent Partners with UT Austin

Ramona Convent Partners with the National Science Foundation and University of Texas at Austin

OCTOBER13, 2016; Pasadena Now

How does an engineer think, design and solve problems? Ramona students taking Ms. Aulikki Flagan’s Engineer Your World course will find out by solving open-ended problems such as designing and building a pinhole camera for handicapped people, an earthquake-safe building for India, and a drone that can capture images from earth.

Through a partnership with the National Science Foundation, the University of Texas, Austin, Cockrell School of Engineering, and the College of Education at the University of Texas, Ramona students will complete a comprehensive yearlong engineering curriculum. …Continue Reading


UT Invests $2M to Expand ‘Engineer Your World’

UT System Invests $2M to Expand ‘Engineer Your World’ and Offer College Credit to High School Students

FEBRUARY 15, 2016

AUSTIN, Texas — The University of Texas System Board of Regents has invested $2 million to expand The University of Texas at Austin’s Engineer Your World program to better prepare high school students for college engineering programs and allow them to receive college credits.

Engineer Your World is an innovative one-year high school engineering curriculum developed by the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. The program seeks to provide high-quality, low-cost engineering education and teacher training at the high school level.

Approved in December, the Board funding will help Engineer Your World launch a new dual-enrollment course to give high school students an opportunity to earn college credit at a UT System academic institution. …Continue Reading